Supporting youth from Ukraine
in building hope, building futures, and facing forward

In leaving all they know behind, the lives of young Ukrainians have been severely disrupted. Our purpose is to support these youth in reclaiming present reality and rebuilding the future.

Our Mission

The aims of our program

Our goal is to streng­then future per­spec­ti­ves for the youth of Ukrai­ne and deve­lop and build them within the con­text of prac­ti­cal acti­vi­ties and initia­ti­ves – such as work­shops, cul­tu­ral events and cha­ri­ta­ble projects.

By this, we aim to fos­ter self-effi­ca­cy and hope of youth, and at the same time sup­port con­cre­te initia­ti­ves for rebuil­ding and fur­ther deve­lo­ping social, sus­tainable structures.

We want to beco­me allies for life – both in terms of the many facets that life offers, as well as for a long time – and at the same time encou­ra­ge count­less con­nec­tions bet­ween young peo­p­le with ide­as for a bet­ter future and moti­va­ti­on to put visi­ons into action.

Program Content

What is it about?

In the pre­sent, we focus on edu­ca­tio­nal sup­port, per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment and fos­te­ring meaningful con­nec­tion among peers, ther­eby streng­thening young people’s poten­ti­al and capa­ci­ties in collaboration.

In loo­king towards the future, we explo­re lea­der­ship, empowe­ring young peo­p­le to dis­co­ver the chan­ces and respon­si­bi­li­ties they can embrace in rebuil­ding a resi­li­ent socie­ty. Youth dis­co­ver the many facets of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, envi­sio­ning a future they are pas­sio­na­te about, and beco­ming empowered to build it step by step and sus­tain­ab­ly, in prac­ti­cal actions initia­ted within the pro­gram and aiming to grow far bey­ond it.

In this, we uphold our aim of beco­ming allies for life – par­ti­ci­pan­ts build a resi­li­ent and meaningful net­work that accom­pa­nies them on a jour­ney of a life­time, and the pro­gram its­elf upholds a simp­le prin­ci­ple: To meet unspeaka­ble aggres­si­on with the defi­ant empha­sis of flourishing.

Our Activities

Project Allies for Life

Our base­line pro­ject focu­ses on sup­port­ing young refu­gees from Ukrai­ne on the per­so­nal, social and socie­tal level. In a year of acti­vi­ties, from sum­mer 2022 to sum­mer 2023, we pro­vi­ded sup­port in deve­lo­ping com­pe­ten­ces for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, expe­ri­en­cing oppor­tu­ni­ties for civic enga­ge­ment by co-crea­ting events, and crea­ting ide­as for socie­ty with an eco­lo­gi­cal, inclu­si­ve and/or digi­tal empha­sis, trans­la­ting them into lar­ger perspectives.

On the per­so­nal level, soft skill work­shops and edu­ca­tio­nal sup­port were imple­men­ted. On the social level, cul­tu­ral events were co-crea­ted, and forums for deve­lo­ping sus­tainable, inclu­si­ve and/or digi­tal initia­ti­ves for socie­ty were ope­ned. On the socie­tal level, par­ti­ci­pan­ts recei­ved input on lea­der­ship qua­li­ties and imple­men­ted an own initia­ti­ve within the frame­work of a coa­ching pro­gram. The accor­ding pro­ject sum­ma­ry can be found here.

Project „Arriving in the Present, Building the Future“

Our „Arri­ving in the Pre­sent, Buil­ding the Future“ pro­ject also initi­al­ly ran from sum­mer 2022 to sum­mer 2023, with spin-off acti­vi­ties having evol­ved and taken shape also bey­ond the initi­al dura­ti­on. Its focus was espe­ci­al­ly on crea­ting a multi­tu­de of dia­lo­gue events that empower the voice of Ukrai­ni­an youth refu­gees. The pro­ject sum­ma­ry is here.

The pri­ma­ry aim was and is to pro­vi­de espe­ci­al­ly mar­gi­na­li­zed youth and young adults with sup­port for ide­as, per­spec­ti­ves and visi­ons for their future, ensu­ring par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on on a social and socie­tal level through meaningful dialogue. 

The acti­vi­ties intend to in par­ti­cu­lar help young peo­p­le with fewer oppor­tu­ni­ties or more chal­len­ging start­ing con­di­ti­ons to find their role in our socie­ty and to feel con­fi­dent and equip­ped to fos­ter their own ide­as, for­mats and initiatives. 

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Three Levels of Development

The Allies for Life pro­gram acts on three levels:

1 | Personal

Building Hope

1A | Edu­ca­tio­nal support

1B | Inner com­pass events and content

  • The per­so­nal level focu­ses on con­ti­nui­ty in edu­ca­ti­on, hel­ping youth in over­co­ming gaps and chal­lenges by addi­tio­nal assistance.

    It fur­ther encou­ra­ges explo­ring the inner com­pass, offe­ring expe­ri­en­ces and con­tent of mindful­ness and crea­ti­ve expres­si­on to assist in reca­li­bra­ting within a new reality.

2 | Social

Building Futures

2A | Cul­tu­ral events

2B | Dia­lo­gues and networking

  • In coming together with peers, spaces are crea­ted for meaningful dia­lo­gue, buil­ding empa­thy and soli­da­ri­ty, and assis­ting youth in beco­ming glo­bal citi­zens show­ing both cou­ra­ge and compassion.

    To app­re­cia­te, cele­bra­te and share the uni­que cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge of Ukrai­ne, cul­tu­ral events are co-crea­ted with youth.

3 | Societal

Facing Forward

3A | Lea­der­ship toolkit

3B | Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on initiatives

  • Youth are invi­ted, encou­ra­ged, and empowered to explo­re their role and chan­ce in sha­ping the socie­ty they wish to live in. An empha­sis lies on espe­ci­al­ly utilizing
    green and inclu­si­ve approa­ches. By expe­ri­en­cing dif­fe­rent aspects of lea­der­ship, and deve­lo­ping own visi­ons that are sup­port­ed in imple­men­ta­ti­on, par­ti­ci­pan­ts dis­co­ver civic par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in sus­tainable and per­so­nal­ly meaningful ways.


We’d love to hear from you.

    Secu­ri­ty Question:
    What is eight plus eight?